Delay line based Time to digital converter

A time to digital converter is a circuit that digitizes time; i.e., it converts time into digital number. In other words, a time-to-digital converter measures the time interval between two events and represents that interval in the form of a digital number.

TDCs are used in places where the time interval between two events needs to be determined. These two events may, for example, be represented by rising edges of two signals. Some applications of TDCs include time-of-flight measurement circuits and All-Digital PLLs.

Delay line based time-to-digital converter: This is a very primitive TDC and involves a delay-line which is used to delay the reference signal. The other signal is used to sample the state of delay chain. Each stage of delay chain outputs to a flip-flop or a latch which is clocked by the sample signal. Thus, the output of the TDC forms a thermometer code as the stage will show a ‘1’ if the reference signal has passed it, otherwise it will show a zero. The schematic diagram of delay line based time-to-digital converter is shown in figure 1 below:

his is a very primitive TDC and involves a delay-line which is used to delay the reference signal. The other signal is used to sample the state of delay chain. Each stage of delay chain outputs to a flip-flop or a latch which is clocked by the sample signal. Thus, the output of the TDC forms a thermometer code as the stage will show a ‘1’ if the reference signal has passed it, otherwise it will show a zero.
Figure 1: Delay line based Time-to-digital converter

The VHDL code for delay line based time-to-digital converter is given below:
-- This is the module definition of delay line based time to digital converter.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;        
entity tdc is
                generic (
                                number_of_bits : integer := 64
                port (
                                retimed_clk : in std_logic;
                                variable_clk : in std_logic;
                                tdc_out : out std_logic_vector (number_of_bits-1 downto 0);
                                reset : in std_logic
end entity;
architecture behavior of tdc is
                component buffd4 is port (
                                I : in std_logic;
                                Z : out std_logic
                end component;
                signal buf_inst_out : std_logic_vector (number_of_bits downto 0);
                buf_inst_out(0) <= variable_clk;
                tdc_loop : for i in 1 to (number_of_bits) generate
                                buf_inst : buffd4 port map (
                                                I => buf_inst_out(i-1),
                                                Z => buf_inst_out(i)
                end generate;

                process (reset,retimed_clk)
                                if reset = '1' then
                                                tdc_out <= (others => '0');
                                elsif retimed_clk'event and retimed_clk = '1' then
                                                tdc_out <= buf_inst_out(number_of_bits downto 1);
                                end if;
                end process;
end architecture;


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Integer to string conversion and vice-versa in c++

While programming, we often need to convert an integer into string and vice-versa. Some of the examples scenarios to do so are as follows:
  • One may want to concatenate a string and integer number 
  • Read input from a file that contains multiple integers and report the sum. 

There are multiple ways to do it. C provides inbuilt functions stoi (read as string to integer) and sprintf to do this task. C++ provides an object-oriented approach for the same. It provides better methods to do it via sstream library. 

Concatenation of a string and an integer: The following piece of code concatenates a string and an integer and returns the result as a string. It first declares an object of class stringstream and simply reads in a number into the object. There is nothing special that we need to do for the same.
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
string concatenate(const string &str,int num) {
    stringstream s; // stringstream class is defined in sstream
    s<<num;      //integer num is assigned to string s
    string ret = str + s.str(); // s.str() return string object from s
    return ret;

String to integer conversion: Following piece of code (function) takes two strings as input, converts them into integers by assigning to objects of istringstream type, and returns their sum.
int sum(const string &str1,const string &str2) {    istringstream s1(str1); // istringstream is defined in sstream    istringstream s2(str2);    int in1,in2;    s1>>in1;    s2>>in2;    return in1+in2;}
The following piece of code calls the above two functions to perform concatenation and calculations:
int main() {   cout << concatenate("my birthday is on this month of ", 25)<<endl;   cout<<"sum = "<<sum("1","2")<<endl;   cout << concatenate("sum is ",sum("1","2") );}

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