Showing posts with label function. Show all posts
Showing posts with label function. Show all posts

Divide by 2 clock in VHDL

Clock dividers are ubiquitous circuits used in every digital design. A divide-by-N divider produces a clock that is N times lesser frequency as compared to input clock. A flip-flop with its inverted output fed back to its input serves as a divide-by-2 circuit. Figure 1 shows the schematic representation for the same.

A divide by 2 clock circuit produces output clock that is half the frequency of the input clock
Divide by 2 clock circuit
Following is the code for a divide-by-2 circuit.
-- This module is for a basic divide by 2 in VHDL.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity div2 is
                port (
                                reset : in std_logic;
                                clk_in : in std_logic;
                                clk_out : out std_logic
end div2;

-- Architecture definition for divide by 2 circuit
architecture behavior of div2 is
signal clk_state : std_logic;
                process (clk_in,reset)
                                if reset = '1' then
                                                clk_state <= '0';
                                elsif clk_in'event and clk_in = '1' then
                                                clk_state <= not clk_state;
                                end if;
                end process;
clk_out <= clk_state;

end architecture;

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Function Overloading

Function overloading is a feature inherent in many programming languages including c++. It allows a user to write multiple functions with same name but with different signatures. On calling the function, the version of the function corresponding to the signature will be referred to. Function signature includes function parameters/arguments, but it does not include return type. Function signature may differ in terms of number of parameters or type of parameters. Let us illustrate with the help of a few examples:

Example 1: The two functions below are overloaded, since the return type of arguments differ:
int func(int a,int b);double func(double a,double b);
Example 2: The two functions below are overloaded because they differ in the number of arguments:
int func(int a,int b);int func(int a,int b,int c);
Example 3: The two functions below are not overloaded because they differ only in terms of their return type; the number and type of all the arguments is same.
void func(int a,int b,int c);int func(int a,int b,int c);

Please note that C does not support function overloading because there is no concept of name mangling in C. On the other hand, C++ does support function overloading as name mangling is supported in C++. Name mangling is mangled name of function name and its signature which is used by C++ compiler internally to refer to functions. For instance, in above example 1, mangled name of functions will look something like shown below:

This way C++ compiler can handle function overloading. 

Note : above are not the actual mangled names. Compiler can make some more complicated names. this is just for understanding. 

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