Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts

Reading from a file in tcl

It is very common to read from and/or write to a file in any programming language. In tcl also, one frequently uses file operations. read command in tcl reads the entire file and stores it into a variable. One can, then, perform the desired operations onto the read data. The normal command sequence to read a file in tcl language is as below:

// script to read and display contents
set infile [open input_file.rpt r] // Create a file pointer and point it to the file to be read
set file_data [read $infile]            // Assign file_data with contents of infile
close $infile                                        // Detach the file pointer from file to be read
set lines [split $file_data “\n”]   
// Split the file contents by lines and assign each line to an element of list
foreach element $lines {
                puts $element                  // Display each element of $lines onto screen.

Programming problem: Synthsizable filter design in C++

Problem statement: Develop a synthesizable C/C++ function which is capable of performing image filtering. The filtering operation is defined by following equation:

// B -> filtered image
// A -> Input image
// h -> filter coefficients
int filter_func() {
                const int L = 1;
                const int x_size = 255;
                const int y_size = 255;
                int A_image[x_size][y_size];
                int B_image[x_size][y_size];
                int h[2*L+1][2*L+1];
                // Initializing the filtered image
                for (int i = 0; i < x_size; i++) {
                                for (int j = 0; j < y_size; j++) {
                                                B_image[i][j] = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < x_size; i++) {
                                for (int j = 0; j < y_size; j++) {
                                                for (int l = -L; l <= L; l++) {
                                                                for (int k = -L; k <= L; k++) {
                                                                                B_image[i][j] = B_image[i][j] + A_image[i-k][j-l]*h[k+L][l+L];

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Delay line based Time to digital converter

A time to digital converter is a circuit that digitizes time; i.e., it converts time into digital number. In other words, a time-to-digital converter measures the time interval between two events and represents that interval in the form of a digital number.

TDCs are used in places where the time interval between two events needs to be determined. These two events may, for example, be represented by rising edges of two signals. Some applications of TDCs include time-of-flight measurement circuits and All-Digital PLLs.

Delay line based time-to-digital converter: This is a very primitive TDC and involves a delay-line which is used to delay the reference signal. The other signal is used to sample the state of delay chain. Each stage of delay chain outputs to a flip-flop or a latch which is clocked by the sample signal. Thus, the output of the TDC forms a thermometer code as the stage will show a ‘1’ if the reference signal has passed it, otherwise it will show a zero. The schematic diagram of delay line based time-to-digital converter is shown in figure 1 below:

his is a very primitive TDC and involves a delay-line which is used to delay the reference signal. The other signal is used to sample the state of delay chain. Each stage of delay chain outputs to a flip-flop or a latch which is clocked by the sample signal. Thus, the output of the TDC forms a thermometer code as the stage will show a ‘1’ if the reference signal has passed it, otherwise it will show a zero.
Figure 1: Delay line based Time-to-digital converter

The VHDL code for delay line based time-to-digital converter is given below:
-- This is the module definition of delay line based time to digital converter.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;        
entity tdc is
                generic (
                                number_of_bits : integer := 64
                port (
                                retimed_clk : in std_logic;
                                variable_clk : in std_logic;
                                tdc_out : out std_logic_vector (number_of_bits-1 downto 0);
                                reset : in std_logic
end entity;
architecture behavior of tdc is
                component buffd4 is port (
                                I : in std_logic;
                                Z : out std_logic
                end component;
                signal buf_inst_out : std_logic_vector (number_of_bits downto 0);
                buf_inst_out(0) <= variable_clk;
                tdc_loop : for i in 1 to (number_of_bits) generate
                                buf_inst : buffd4 port map (
                                                I => buf_inst_out(i-1),
                                                Z => buf_inst_out(i)
                end generate;

                process (reset,retimed_clk)
                                if reset = '1' then
                                                tdc_out <= (others => '0');
                                elsif retimed_clk'event and retimed_clk = '1' then
                                                tdc_out <= buf_inst_out(number_of_bits downto 1);
                                end if;
                end process;
end architecture;


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C function that converts hexadecimal value to decimal value.

Hexadecimal to decimal conversion is something that is often needed in hardware. Below functions can be used for hexadecimal to decimal conversion in C:
int get_value(char a)  { if(a>='0'&& a<='9' ) { return (a- '0'); } else if(a>='A' && a<='F') return ((a-'0')-7); } else if(a>='a' && a<='f') return ((a-'0')-39); else return -1;

int htoi(char a[]){ int len=strlen(a); int temp=0; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { int digit=get_value(a[i]); if(digit == -1){ return -1; } temp=temp*16+digit; } return temp;}
int main(){ char a[]="f0"; clrscr(); int b=htoi(a); if(b == -1) printf("invalid input"); else printf("decimal value is %d",b); getch();        return 0;}

Interesting programming quiz : Array Bound Read Error

Problem: Can you figure out what is wrong with following piece of code?

#include <iostream>int main() {     int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};     for (int i = 4; a[i] >= 0 && i >=0 ; i--) {          std::cout<< "ith element of array is "<<a[i]<<std::endl;     }}

I would suggest you to  try it yourself before scrolling down to see the answer. Its quite interesting,
Answer : Here, as one can figure out, the intention is to print array elements from end till we don't hit any negative number. In the first look it may seem fine but unfortunately it will end up in ABR (Array Bound Read).

Explanation : After the completion of 5th iteration; i.e. when i = 0, compiler will decrement i;  i.e., i will become "-1". It will, then, try to check the condition, which will result in reading a[-1]. Since, array can have indexes only greater than or equal to 0, it will result in an error. Trying to read array elements out of the allowed indexes is termed as Array Bound Read Error. Hence, one should avoid such conditions because it can result into random result. The program can crash anytime. If you are lucky, it may run successfully also. Its all up to your luck.  Instead, it should be

for (int i = 5; i>=0 && a[i]  >= 0 ; i--) {

i.e. first check index value and then do the array access operation.

Here, with the above solution, one more interesting thing comes up to understand. In AND (&&) operation compiler first evaluates  condition1; if it is true, then goes to evaluate condition2; otherwise return false from there only.

For example,
#include <iostream>
int main() {int i = 0;int j= 1;if(  ( i == 1) && (++j ==3)  ) {      std::cout<<"inside if"<<std::endl;}std::cout<<"i is "<<i<<" and j is "<<j<<std::endl;}
Output :
i is 0 and j is 1

Here, as you can see code control will not go into if branch as none of condition is true. since condition1 i==1 is false, compiler will not even check condition2 i.e. value of j will not be incremented.

Internally,  compiler might be doing some following kind of transformation to evaluate && operation

  bool cond = (i==1);  if( cond ) {      cond = (++j != 0) ;  }if(cond){      std::cout<<"inside if"<<std::endl;}

Function Overloading

Function overloading is a feature inherent in many programming languages including c++. It allows a user to write multiple functions with same name but with different signatures. On calling the function, the version of the function corresponding to the signature will be referred to. Function signature includes function parameters/arguments, but it does not include return type. Function signature may differ in terms of number of parameters or type of parameters. Let us illustrate with the help of a few examples:

Example 1: The two functions below are overloaded, since the return type of arguments differ:
int func(int a,int b);double func(double a,double b);
Example 2: The two functions below are overloaded because they differ in the number of arguments:
int func(int a,int b);int func(int a,int b,int c);
Example 3: The two functions below are not overloaded because they differ only in terms of their return type; the number and type of all the arguments is same.
void func(int a,int b,int c);int func(int a,int b,int c);

Please note that C does not support function overloading because there is no concept of name mangling in C. On the other hand, C++ does support function overloading as name mangling is supported in C++. Name mangling is mangled name of function name and its signature which is used by C++ compiler internally to refer to functions. For instance, in above example 1, mangled name of functions will look something like shown below:

This way C++ compiler can handle function overloading. 

Note : above are not the actual mangled names. Compiler can make some more complicated names. this is just for understanding. 

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