Showing posts with label Physica design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Physica design. Show all posts

What is Static Timing Analysis?

Static timing analysis (STA) is an analysis method of computing the max/min delay values of a complete circuit without actually simulating the full circuit. In STA, static delays such as gate delay and net delays are considered in each path. These delays are, then, compared against the required bounds on the delay values and/or the relationship between the delays of different gates. In STA, the circuit to be analyzed is broken down into timing paths consisting of gates, registers and nets connecting these. Normally, timing paths start from and end at registers or chip boundary. Based on origin and termination of data, timing paths can be categorized into four categories:

        1.)    Input to register paths: These paths start at chip boundary from input ports and end at registers
        2.)    Register to register paths: These paths start at register output pin and terminate at register input   pin
        3.)    Register to output paths: These paths start at a register and end at chip boundary output ports
        4.)    Input to output paths: These paths start from chip boundary at input port and end at chip               boundary at output port
Timing path from each start-point to end-point are constrained to have maximum and minimum delays. For example, for register to register paths, each path can take maximum of one clock cycle (minus input/output delay in case of input/output to register paths). The minimum delay of a path is governed by hold timing requirement of the endpoints. Thus, the maximum delay taken by a timing path governs the maximum frequency of operation.
As stated before, Static timing analysis does timing analysis without actually simulating the circuit. The delays of cells are picked from respecting technology libraries. The delays are available in libraries in tabulated form on the basis of input transition and output load, which have been calculated based by simulating the cells for a range of boundary conditions. Net delays are calculated based upon R and C models.

One important characteristic of static timing analysis that must be discussed is that static timing analysis checks the static delay requirements of the circuit without applying any vectors, hence, the delays calculated are the maximum and minimum bounds of the delays that will occur in real application scenarios with vectors applied. This enables the static timing analysis to be fast and inclusive of all the boundary conditions. Dynamic timing analysis, on the contrary, applies input vectors, so is very slow. It is necessary to certify the functionality of the design. Thus, static timing analysis guarantees the timing of the design whereas dynamic timing analysis guarantees functionality for real application specific input vectors.

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Worst Slew Propagation

Worst slew propagation is a phenomenon in Static Timing Analysis. According to it, the worst of the slews at the input pin of a gate is propagated to its output. As we know, the output slew of a logic cell is a function of its input slew and output load. For a multi-input logic gate, the output slew should be different for the timing paths through its different input pins. However, this is not the case. This is due to the reason that to maintain a timing grapth, each node in the design can have only 1 slew. So, to cover the worst scenario for setup timing, the maximum slew at each output pin should be equal to that caused by the input pin having worst of the slews. The output slew calculated is on the basis of worst input slew, even if the timing path for which the output slew is being calculated is not through the input pin with worst slew. Similarly, the best of the slews is calculated based upon the effect of all the input pins for hold timing analysis. We can refer to it as best slew propagation.

Let us illustrate with the help of a 2-input AND gate. As shown in figure below, let the slews at the input pins be denoted as SLEW_A and SLEW_B and that at the output pin as SLEW_OUT. Now, as we know:

SLEW_OUT = func (SLEW_A) if A toggles leading to OUT toggling
And SLEW_OUT = func (SLEW_B) if B toggles leading to OUT toggling

However, even though the timing path as shown through A pin, the resultant slew at output SLEW_OUT will be calculated as:

SLEW_OUT         =  func (SLEW_A) if func(SLEW_A) > func(SLEW_B)

                                =  func (SLEW_B) if func(SLEW_B) > func(SLEW_A)

Worst slew propagation is carried out through the worst of all the slews caused by each input pin
Figure 1: Figure showing worst slew propagation

One may feel this as an over-pessimism inserted by timing analysis tool. Path based timing analysis will not have worst slew propagation phenomenon as it calculates output slew for each timing path rather than one slew per node. 

Similarly, for performing timing analysis for hold violations, the best of the slews at inputs is propagated to the output as mentioned before also. 

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Metal ECO - the process

A metal-only ECO is carried out by changing only metal interconnects in the design. Metal-only ECOs are very common in today’s semiconductor industry as they save complete silicon re-spin. Sometimes there may be need to change the design for various reasons, and that too, a minor change. These changes may be due to some bug in the design or due to customer demand. A metal-only ECO enables the design to be re-fabricated only for a few layers. It is very cost-effective as for complete silicon re-spin, there may be a requirement of around 100 layer masks to be manufactured. Metal-only ECOs enable the older masks to be used for most of the layers. Only the layers with changes in them need to be manufactured again, which is usually 2 to 4 in case of metal-only ECOs.
The steps to carry out metal-only ECOs are explained below:
1.) A number of spare cells are sprinkled throughout the design before being taped-out so as to facilitate metal layer ECOs later on. The set of spare cells is chosen very carefully considering in mind the nature of design and the probability of metal ECO later on (it depends upon how mature the design building blocks are)
2.)  First, the changes to be made are evaluated if these can be carried out by changing only metal layers. For this purpose, spare cells in the vicinity of the ECO location need to be observed. If there is enough number of spare cells there, these can be used. On the other hand, if there is not enough number of spare cells to represent the logic change, the ECO cannot be carried out using only metal layers. It has to be, then, carried out using all the layers as more cells will need to be added. It will, then, result in re-spin of the design. 
3.) If there is enough number of spare cells available, the appropriate spare cells to represent the design change are selected in the vicinity of the logic to be changed. Interconnects are, then, modified so as to represent the modified circuit. 
4.) The resulting layout is checked for timing and DRC/LVS violations. If everything is fine, the design is sent to be fabricated. There, masks for the modified layers are manufactured using the older masks for layers not modified.
5.) If there is any violation related to timing or DRC/LVS, steps 2, 3 and 4 are repeated until the design is clean with respect to these.

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