Race condition in digital circuits

In general, race condition refers to a situation in which the result depends upon the sequence in which events happen. In particular, a race condition occurs when a system/device is designed assuming a particular sequence of events without taking steps to ensure it. In logic gates, it happens when the inputs arrive at the gate in a sequence not assumed while deriving the function. This results, sometimes, in the anomalous behavior of the logic gate because of the unexpected dependence on the sequence of arrival of inputs. Since, the function of the logic gate is calculated assuming static inputs; the order of arrival may have impact on the output. We can consider race condition as a situation in which two or more signals are racing to have their effect on the output. This is how; race condition derives its name.
For a very simple example, consider the following logic function-
Z = A . A’

AND gate having race condition
Figure 1: An example digital circuit having race condition

Theoretically, the output will always be ‘0’. However, this is true only if the non-inverted portion of the signal has greater delay in reaching the AND gate (we have considered ‘0’ -> ‘1’ transition of the input signal ‘A’). As shown in the figure above, the signal passing through inverter will have some delay of its own. If the signal through inverter reaches the AND gate later than the one without inverter, there will be a glitch as shown in the figure 2. For ‘1’ -> ‘0’ transition, the opposite will happen.

The above circuit requires a certain relationship between arrival times of the two signals. If the relationship is not ensured, glith will be caused.
Figure 2: Glitch caused at the output of AND gate due to inverted signal being delayed than non-inverted signal

What can be the consequences: If the condition for race is violated, the design may enter an undefined state, the one which might not have been considered while designing. Hence, the whole system will malfunction in such a scenario leading to failure. It might be the case that some elements in the design enter metastable state, which can further cause problems. Hence, it is very important to give proper consideration to race conditions.
How can we prevent race condition: Normally, in digital designs, as long as setup and hold checks are met for each flip-flop, we do not need to worry about the race conditions in the design under consideration. But, there are some conditions like the output of the above AND gate might be used as a clock for some flop. In that case, we need to consider the race condition. We need to have proper sequencing of signals so as to have the desired output. Had the above case been in reality, it might be wise to delay the non-inverted signal. Race conditions in the design can be eliminated by using proper design techniques (e.g. K-map). Using these, designers and recognize and eliminate the race conditions before they cause problems.

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