Showing posts with label worst slew propation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worst slew propation. Show all posts

Worst Slew Propagation

Worst slew propagation is a phenomenon in Static Timing Analysis. According to it, the worst of the slews at the input pin of a gate is propagated to its output. As we know, the output slew of a logic cell is a function of its input slew and output load. For a multi-input logic gate, the output slew should be different for the timing paths through its different input pins. However, this is not the case. This is due to the reason that to maintain a timing grapth, each node in the design can have only 1 slew. So, to cover the worst scenario for setup timing, the maximum slew at each output pin should be equal to that caused by the input pin having worst of the slews. The output slew calculated is on the basis of worst input slew, even if the timing path for which the output slew is being calculated is not through the input pin with worst slew. Similarly, the best of the slews is calculated based upon the effect of all the input pins for hold timing analysis. We can refer to it as best slew propagation.

Let us illustrate with the help of a 2-input AND gate. As shown in figure below, let the slews at the input pins be denoted as SLEW_A and SLEW_B and that at the output pin as SLEW_OUT. Now, as we know:

SLEW_OUT = func (SLEW_A) if A toggles leading to OUT toggling
And SLEW_OUT = func (SLEW_B) if B toggles leading to OUT toggling

However, even though the timing path as shown through A pin, the resultant slew at output SLEW_OUT will be calculated as:

SLEW_OUT         =  func (SLEW_A) if func(SLEW_A) > func(SLEW_B)

                                =  func (SLEW_B) if func(SLEW_B) > func(SLEW_A)

Worst slew propagation is carried out through the worst of all the slews caused by each input pin
Figure 1: Figure showing worst slew propagation

One may feel this as an over-pessimism inserted by timing analysis tool. Path based timing analysis will not have worst slew propagation phenomenon as it calculates output slew for each timing path rather than one slew per node. 

Similarly, for performing timing analysis for hold violations, the best of the slews at inputs is propagated to the output as mentioned before also. 

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