Showing posts with label clock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clock. Show all posts

Defining a clock signal in VHDL

Defining a clock signal in VHDL
Clock is the backbone of any synchronous design. For test-benches, a clock is the most desired signal as almost every design requires a clock. Going a bit deeper, a clock signal is a binary signal that changes state every few time units. So, defining a clock in VHDL is pretty simple, as shown below in the following code:
                signal my_clock : std_logic;
                                my_clock <= ‘0’;
                                wait for 5 ns;
                                my_clock = ‘1’;
                                wait for 5 ns;
                end process;
The above code defines a clock of  period 10 ns with 5 ns high time and 5 ns low time, hence, 50% duty cycle. Since, we are assigning a value to my_clock in the code, it can wither be defines as a signal or an output. Most probably, clocks are defined in test-benches, hence, are internal signals. High time and low time don’t always need to be same. You can always define a clock that has different high and low times as shown below:
signal my_clock : std_logic;
                                my_clock <= ‘0’;
                                wait for 8 ns;
                                my_clock = ‘1’;
                                wait for 2 ns;
                end process;
As we can see, now, my_clock has a duty cycle of 80%; i.e. a high time of 80% and a low time of 20%.

Defining a clock in this way, obviously, is not synthesizable as we are using delays in code, and delays cannot be synthesized. Hence, this way of defining a clock can only be used in a test-bench to test a piece of code. If you need to write a synthesizable clock, then you have to use structural coding. The simplest of clock generation circuits is a ring counter (a chain of inverters connected back-to-back), but it will have a variable frequency clock because delay of inverters changes on change in operating conditions.

All about clock signals

Today’s designs are dominated by digital devices. These are all synchronous state machines consisting of flip-flops. The transition from one state to next is synchronous and is governed by a signal known as clock. That is why, we have aptly termed clock as ‘the in-charge of synchronous designs’. 
Definition of clock signal: We can define a clock signal as the one which synchronizes the state transitions by keeping all the registers/state elements in synchronization. In common terminology, a clock signal is a signal that is used to trigger sequential devices (flip-flops in general). By this, we mean that on the active state/edge of clock, data at input of flip-flops propagates to the output’. This propagation is termed as state transition. As shown in figure 1, the ‘2-bit’ ring counter transitions from state ‘01’ to ‘10’ on active clock edge.

An example of a two bit ring counter making transition from one state to another on rising (active) edge of the clock

Figure 1: Figure showing state transition on active edge of clock

Clock signals occupy a very important place throughout the chip design stages. Since, the state transition happens on clock transition, the entire simulations including verification, static timing analysis and gate level simulations roam around these clock signals only. If Static timing analysis can be considered as a body, then clock is its blood. Also, during physical implementation of the design, special care has to be given to the placement and routing of clock elements, otherwise the design is likely to fail. Clock elements are responsible for almost half the dynamic power consumption in the design. That is why; clock has to be given the prime importance.

Clock tree: A clock signal originates from a clock source. There may be designs with a single clock source, while some designs have multiple clock sources. The clock signal is distributed in the design in the form of a tree; leafs of the tree being analogous to the sequential devices being triggered by the clock signal and the root being analogous to the clock source. That is why; the distribution of clock in the design is termed as clock tree. Normally, (except for sometimes when intentional skew is introduced to cater some timing critical paths), the clock tree is designed in such a way that it is balanced. By balanced clock tree, we mean that the clock signal reaches each and every element of the design almost at the same time. Clock tree synthesis (placing and routing clock tree elements) is an important step in the implementation process. Special cells and routing techniques are used to ensure a robust clock tree.

Clock domains: By clock domain, we mean ‘the set of flops being driven by the clock signal’. For instance, the flops driven by system clock constitute system domain. Similarly, there may be other domains. There may be multiple clock domains in a design; some of these may be interacting with each other. For interacting clock domains, there must be some phase relationship between the clock signals otherwise there is chance of failure due to metastability. If phase relationship is not possible to achieve, there should be clock domain synchronizers to reduce the probability of metastability failure.

Specifying a signal as clock: In EDA tools, ‘create_clock’ command is used to specify a signal as a clock. We have to pass the period of the clock, clock definition point, its reference clock (if it is a generated clock as discussed below), duty cycle, waveform etc. as argument to the command.

Master and generated clocks: EDA tools have the concept of master and generated clocks. A generated clock is the one that is derived from another clock, known as its master clock. The generated clock may be of the same frequency or different frequency than its master clock. In general, a generated clock is defined so as to distinguish it from its master in terms of frequency, phase or domain relationship

Some terminology related to clock: There are different terms related to clock signals, described below:

  •      Leading and trailing clock edge: When clock signal transitions from ‘0’ to ‘1’, the clock edge is termed as leading edge. Similarly, when clock signal transitions from ‘1’ to ‘0’, the clock edge is termed as trailing edge.

Leading and trailing edges of the clock signal
  • Launch and capture edge: Launch edge is that edge of the clock at which data is launched by a flop. Similarly, capture edge is that edge of the clock at which data is capture by a flop.
  • Clock skew: Clock skew is defined as the difference in arrival times of clock signals at different leaf pins. Considering a set of flops, skew is the difference in the minimum and maximum arrival times of the clock signal. Global skew is the clock skew for the whole design. On the contrary, considering only a portion of the design, the skew is termed as local skew.