Interview questions related to clock jitter and duty cycle variations

Below we list few of our posts related to clock jitter and duty cycle variation. Happy learning.

  • Clock jitter: Disusses the definition and types of clock jitter.
  • Duty cycle of clock: Discusses the definition of duty cycle and how it impacts timing slack of timing paths.
  • Duty cycle variation: Discusses in detail basics of duty cycle variation and its timing implications.

Our purpose is to make this page a single destination for any questions related to clock jitter and duty cycle variation. Please feel free to ask any question related to clock jitter and duty cycle variations.

Interview questions related to reset design and reset timing

Below we list few of our posts related to reset timing and some design concepts related to reset. Happy learning.

Reset basics - Discusses the purpose and design strategies related to reset

Synchronous and asynchronous resets - Discusses the basics of synchronous reset and asynchronous reset. Also discusses few differences between them

Reset synchronizer - Discusses the definition, need and working of reset synchronizers.

Recovery and removal checks - Discusses the timing aspects of asynchronous reset. Provides the definition of recovery check, removal check, recovery time and removal time.

Asynchronous reset assertion timing scenarios - Discusses if there may arise a need to time the assertion of asynchronous resets

Duty cycle care-abouts for clock paths in reset assertion - Discusses how reset assertion can alter the duty cycle of clock, and what needs to be taken care of.

Our purpose is to make this page a single destination for any questions related to reset design and timing. If you have any source of educational information related to reset, please comment or send an email to and we will add it here. Also, feel free to ask any question related to reset design and timing.