
What is metastability: Literally speaking, metastable state refers to a state "which is not so much stable" and a slight disturbance will cause the system to lose state. In the context of VLSI, specifically sequential design, in addition to two stable states "0" and "1", there is also a state in-between at which the output may wander for some time due to inherent feedback design of a latch. This state is known as meta-stable state and the phenomenon is known as metastability. In order to understand this, let us study two back-to-back connected inverters as shown in figure below.

Figure 1: Inverter loop schematic

When the output (N2) of top inverter is 1, M4 & M1 are on. Simlilary, when output is 0, M3 & M2 are on. If the voltage of output inverter is left at anything other than VDD or GND, M4 and M1 try to pull the output towards 1 and the other two pull it towards 0. The final settlement value (either 0 or 1) is dependent upon whose initial pull is stronger. However, if the initial pull combined of M4 & M1 is equal to M3 & M1, the output will not move. The output may or may not remain at this level for some time until equilibrium is maintained. However, if forcefully, we change the output by even a small value, it will settle at 0 or 1 depending upon the direction of forced change. This state is the so-called metastable state. The inverter pair can remain in this state as long as there is no disturbance in the voltage levels. This disturbance can be due to external factors such as external forced voltage or internal factors such as crosstalk. So, if it is left to come out of metastability by itself, the time to come out of metastability is unknown. It depends upon:

  • The value of voltage stimulus: If the level of disturbance is greater than a certain threshold, the output will start to move towards one of the stable levels. Of course, larger the value of initial disturbance, faster will be time to stability
  • Strengths of inverters to pull towards "0" and "1": The less voltage resolution capability the inverter pair has, it will be able to come of metastability in shorter time

How can we generate a pulse for every edge of the incoming pulse

It is a very common requirement to detect either positive edge, negative edge or both edges of a signal. And the circuit that can detect and generate a single cycle pulse is quite simple. In this post, we will discuss how we can detect positive edge, negative edge and both edges of a signal.

  • Detect positive edge of a signal: Positive edge of a signal means that the current state of the signal is "1" and previous state is "0". And a pulse signal means that the output of the circuit is "1" for one cycle. So, we need a circuit which generates "1" as output when present state is "1" and previous state is "0". It generates "0" as output otherwise.
Thus, output = D(n-2)' & D(n-1)
The required implementation is shown in figure 1 below:
Figure 1: Detection of positive edge of signal

  • Detect negative edge of a signal: Negative edge of signal means that the current state of the signal is "0" and previous state is "0". So, we need a circuit which generates "1" as output when present state is "0" and previous state is "1". It generates "0" as output otherwise. 
Thus, Neg_edge_detect = D(n-2) & D(n-1)'
 The required implementation is shown in figure 2 below:
Figure 2: Detection of negative edge of signal

  • Detecting both positive and negative edges of the signal: Simply doing an "OR" operation of Pos_edge_detect and Neg_edge_detect signal will produce an output which is a single cycle pulse for any of the edge of incoming signal. The requirement for consecutive edges of incoming signal is to be at least 2 cycles apart otherwise, the output will not be pulse, but will be a continuous signal.
Any_edge_detect = Pos_edge_detect + Neg_edge_detect
The required implementation is shown in figure 3 below:

Figure 3: Detection of both positive and negative edges of signal

The technique we discussed here delays the output by two cycles. Can you think of any other way to detect the edges of a signal which is more efficient?