Can we use discrete latches and AND/OR gates instead of ICG?

In the post, Integated Clock Gating Cell, we discussed that an ICG has a negative level-sensitive latch preceding an AND gate in order to relax hold timing for clock gating check. And we discussed that it gives benefits for area, power and timing. Let us discuss how area, power and timing are saved. We will discuss only for the case of AND gate, the same will follow for OR gate.

1. Architectural benefits - simplicity in clock handling: By introducing ICGs in place of discrete gates, you dont have to worry about the launch edge of the signal while writing RTL (for details, see here). One can always launch the signal from positive edge-triggered flip-flop for timing and architectural simplicity without worrying about possibility of glitch in clock path due to wrong polarity flip-flop launching enable signal.

2. Benefits in area and power: Having custom module allows for better utilization of resources inside the custom ICG module; hence, it is expected to have lesser power than a latch and an AND gate combined.

3. Benefits in timing: Having the path from latch -> AND inside ICG saves us from having to meet these paths individually, which could take a lot of effort with discrete latch and AND gate. Also, it allows for latch to have almost full time borrow, thereby making almost a full cycle path from a positive edge-triggered flip-flop to ICG.

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