Defining a clock signal in VHDL

Defining a clock signal in VHDL
Clock is the backbone of any synchronous design. For test-benches, a clock is the most desired signal as almost every design requires a clock. Going a bit deeper, a clock signal is a binary signal that changes state every few time units. So, defining a clock in VHDL is pretty simple, as shown below in the following code:
                signal my_clock : std_logic;
                                my_clock <= ‘0’;
                                wait for 5 ns;
                                my_clock = ‘1’;
                                wait for 5 ns;
                end process;
The above code defines a clock of  period 10 ns with 5 ns high time and 5 ns low time, hence, 50% duty cycle. Since, we are assigning a value to my_clock in the code, it can wither be defines as a signal or an output. Most probably, clocks are defined in test-benches, hence, are internal signals. High time and low time don’t always need to be same. You can always define a clock that has different high and low times as shown below:
signal my_clock : std_logic;
                                my_clock <= ‘0’;
                                wait for 8 ns;
                                my_clock = ‘1’;
                                wait for 2 ns;
                end process;
As we can see, now, my_clock has a duty cycle of 80%; i.e. a high time of 80% and a low time of 20%.

Defining a clock in this way, obviously, is not synthesizable as we are using delays in code, and delays cannot be synthesized. Hence, this way of defining a clock can only be used in a test-bench to test a piece of code. If you need to write a synthesizable clock, then you have to use structural coding. The simplest of clock generation circuits is a ring counter (a chain of inverters connected back-to-back), but it will have a variable frequency clock because delay of inverters changes on change in operating conditions.