Asynchronous FIFO

ASYNC FIFO is a frequency relationship agnostic bus synchronization technique and by that can be considered practically universal.

It is convenient to choose the write/read pointers of width by one bit bigger than needed by FIFO size. The msb then will play the role of “sign”. The pointers (bus) synchronization is performed with the help of Gray encoding. Gray code encoding is a popular technique to synchronize a bus because only one bit is changed at a time. This ensures we always sample or old or new value on the bus and never – inconsistent one. “g2b” and “b2g” is the logic to convert Gray code to binary and vice versa. It is out of the scope of this article to depict its design.

//write pointer
always @ (src_clk)
      if (!rst_n)
                  wr_ptr <= ‘d0;
      else if (push)
                  wr_ptr <= wr_ptr + 1’b1;
//read pointer
always @ (dst_clk)
      if (!rst_n)
                  rd_ptr <= ‘d0;
      else if (pop)
                  rd_ptr <= rd_ptr + 1’b1;
assign full = (wr_ptr[log(FIFO_SIZE)] ^ rd_ptr_synch[log(FIFO_SIZE)]) &&
(wr_ptr[log(FIFO_SIZE)-1:0] == rd_ptr_synch[log(FIFO_SIZE)-1:0]);
assign empty = (wr_ptr_synch[log(FIFO_SIZE):0] == rd_ptr[log(FIFO_SIZE):0]);

The important thing to remember is the size of the FIFO has to be exactly power of two. This is because in any other case there will be multiple bit transitions even with Gray code encoding and thus bus synchronization with only one bit changed at a time is violated.

Half-handshake synchronization scheme

Synchronization questions is one of the favorites among VLSI job interviewers. This is because they check not just the general intellectual abilities of the potential candidate but also the very specific professional knowledge which is usually acquired only by experience. When it comes to synchronization there are plenty of schemes. During the emerging interview it often comes to the "ultimate" decision - the synchronizer, which is tolerable to any source-destination conditions (relative frequencies, duration of signals, etc). The expected answer is very well known full-handshake scheme. It is definitely the "ultimate" solution. But its extra-generic nature comes at a cost of very long processing cycle (6 source + 6 destination cycles).

Less known is half hand-shake synchronization scheme which differs from full hand-shake scheme by that it utilizes signals toggling rather than level as an indication to transfer synchronization information from side to side.

At source and destination sides it is toggling (0 to 1 signal change or vice versa) of the synchronized valid signal or ack signal, which becomes an indication the synchronized output may be issued and/or the state changed. Toggled signal may be achieved by comparison (XOR) of the next and current signal value. The current signal value need to be latched at each processing cycle.

Half-handshake scheme provides 2 times better processing cycle than full hand-shake because it consists of only synchronization-acknowledge cycle rather than of synchronization-acknowledge-synchronization de-assertion-acknowledge de-assertion.