8x1 multiplexer using 4x1 multiplexer

An 8x1 mux can be implemented using two 4x1 muxes and one 2x1 mux. 4 of the inputs can first be decoded using each 4-input mux using two least significant select lines (S0 and S1). The output of the two 4x1 muxes can be further multiplexed with the help of MSB of select lines at further stage. The implementation of 8x1 using 4x1 and 2x1 muxes is shown in figure 1 below:

2-input NOR gate using 2:1 mux

2-input NOR gate using 2x1 mux: Figure 1 below shows the truth table of a 2-input NOR gate. If we observe carefully, OUT equal B' when A is '0'. Similarly, OUT equals '0' when A is '1'. So, we can make a 2-input mux act like a 2-input NOR gate, if we connect SEL of mux to A, D0 to B' and D1 to '0'.

In a 2-input NOR gate, output equals '0' when either or both the inputs is '1'. Otherwise, output is '0'.
Figure 1: Truth table of 2-input NOR gate
Figure 2 shows the implementation of 2-input NOR gate using 2:1 mux.

NOR gate using mux, 2-input NOR gate using 2:1 mux, NOR gate using 2x1 mux
Figure 2: Implementation of 2-input NOR gate using 2x1 mux

Similarly, we can connect B to select pin of mux and follow the same procedure of observation from truth table to get the NOR gate implemented.

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