Default Setup/hold checks - positive flop to negative flop timing paths

The launch/capture event of a positive edge-triggered flip-flop happens on every positive edge of the clock, whereas that of a negative edge-triggered flip-flop occurs on the negative edge of the flip-flop. In this post, we will discuss the default setup/hold checks different cases - same clock, 1:n clock ratio clock and n:1 ratio clock. And this should cover all the possible cases of setup/hold checks.

Case 1: Both flip-flops getting same clock

Figure 1: Pos-flop to neg-flop default setup/hold checks when clocks are equal in frequency

Figure 1 shows a timing path from a positive edge-triggered flip-flop to a negative edge-triggered flip-flop. Let us say the data is launched at instant of time "T", which is a positive edge. Then, the next negative edge following time "T" serves as the edge which captures this data; thus forming the default setup check. And the very previous negative edge serves as the hold check. This is shown in the first part of figure 1. Thus, in this case, both setup and hold checks are half cycle.

Setup and hold slack equations

Setup slack = Period(clk)/2 + Tskew - Tclk_q - Tcomb - Tsetup

Hold slack = Period(clk)/2 + Tclk_q + Tcomb - Tskew - Thold

Case 2: Flip-flops getting clocks with frequency ratio N:1 and positive edge of launch clock coincides with negative edge of capture clock

One of the cases where this happens is when clock is divided by an even number. Another is when odd division is followed by inversion. The resulting waveform will be as shown in figure 2. In this case, each positive edge of launch flip-flop is capable of launching a fresh data, but will be overwritten by next data. Only the one which is launched on the positive edge closest to the negative edge of capture clock will get captured at the endpoint. Similarly, the data which is launched at the edge coinciding negative edge of capture clock must not overwrite the data captured at the same edge. The setup and hold checks, thus formed, are as shown in figure 2 below. The setup check is full cycle of launch clock, whereas hold check is a zero cycle check.

Figure 2: Default setup/hold checks for case 2

Setup and hold slack equations

Setup slack = period(launch_clock) + Tskew - Tclk_q - Tcomb - Tsetup

 Hold slack = Tclk_q + Tcomb - Tskew - Thold


Case 3: Flip-flops gettings clocks with frequency ration N:1 and positive edge of launch clock coincides with positive edge of capture clock

One of the cases where this happens is when capture of the data happens on an odd divided clock. The resulting setup and hold checks are as shown in figure 3. Both setup and hold checks are half cycle of faster launch clock.

Figure 3: Default setup/hold checks for case 3
Setup and hold slack equations

Setup slack = period(launch_clock)/2 + Tskew - Tclk_q - Tcomb - Tsetup

 Hold slack =  period(launch_clock)/2 + Tclk_q + Tcomb - Tskew - Thold

Case 4: Flip-flops getting clocks with frequency 1:N and positive edge of launch clock coincides with negative edge of capture clock

One of the cases is when division is performed after inversion of the master clock and data is launched on the divided clock. Figure 4 shows the default setup/hold checks for this case. In this case, setup check is equal to full cycle of faster clock and hold check is a zero cycle check.

Figure 4: Default setup/hold checks for case 4
Setup and hold slack equations

Setup slack = period(capture_clock) + Tskew - Tclk_q - Tcomb - Tsetup

 Hold slack = Tclk_q + Tcomb - Tskew - Thold

Case 5: Flip-flops getting clocks with frequency 1:N and positve edge of launch clock coincides with positive edge of capture clock

This is a case of even division, or inversion, followed by odd division, followed by inversion. The setup and hold checks, both are equal to half cycle of faster clock.

Setup and hold slack equations

Setup slack = period(capture_clock)/2 + Tskew - Tclk_q - Tcomb - Tsetup

 Hold slack =  period(capture_clock)/2 + Tclk_q + Tcomb - Tskew - Thold

Can you think of any other scenario of setup/hold checks for this case? Please feel free to share your views.

Clock relationship between reset synchronizer and fanout flip-flops

As we know, all flip-flops which are required to be "out of reset" at the same time are placed in fanout of a single reset synchronizer. In this post, we will discuss if there is any relationship required between clock frequency of reset synchronizer and the clock frequency of the flip-flops in fanout. For now, let us assume that all the flip-flops in the fanout of reset synchronizer work on a single clock "CLK". <dsfdsf> discussed the case when the flip-flops are working on multiple clocks.

Let us first assume that reset synchronizer's clock period is N*CLK_PERIOD; i.e. reset synchronizer gets a DIVIDE_BY_N clock of the flip-flops' clock. Figure 1 below shows the setup check from a clock with period N*CLK_PERIOD to a clock with period CLK_PERIOD. Since, all the flip-flops have same setup check being formed, all will get out of reset at the same edge; thus, fulfilling the requirement.

Similarly, there is a definite setup check from a clock with period CLK_PERIOD/N to a clock with period CLK_PERIOD as shown in figure 2 below. Thus, if reset synchronizer works on clock with frequency "N" times the flip-flops in fanout, we get all the flip-flops out of reset at same time, thereby, fulfilling the requirement again.

Thus, we see that if all the flip-flops in fanout of reset synchronizer work on a single clock, there is no relationship required between frequency of reset synchronizer and frequency of fanout flip-flops as long as we meet the setup and hold requierements.   However, this is not true when flip-flops work on multiple clocks as discussed in <SDFDSF>.

Design problem: Reset synchronizer clock for multi-frequency flip-flops in fanout

Design problem: A set of flip-flops, some working on 100 MHz clock and others working on 200 MHz clock are required to come out of reset together. What should be the clock of reset synchronizer

Solution: Since all the flip-flops are required to come out of reset in the same cycle, all these must get reset from a single reset synchronizer. Now, as the question states that the flip-flops in the fanout of reset synchronizer are working on two clocks. We need to find the correct-by-design clock that reset synchronizer should be working on. Let us assume that the correct clock to be connected to reset synchronizer is one of the two frequencies given.

Figure 1: Reset synchronizer

First, let us check by assuming that reset synchronizer works on positive edge of 100 MHz clock. Figure 2 shows the setup checks for 100 MHz -> 100 MHz and 100 MHz -> 200 MHz paths. Let us say, reset deassertion propagates to R1/Q at edge (1). Going by figure 2, all flip-flops working on 200 MHz clock will be out of reset at edge (3) and all flop-flops working on 100 MHz will be out of reset at edge (5). Thus, reset synchronizer working on positive edge of 100 MHz clock does not solve our purpose.

Figure 2: Reset synchronizer works on positive edge of 100 MHz clock

Now, let us check the same when reset synchronizer works on positive edge of 200 MHz clock. In this case, reset can deassert either on edge (1) or edge (3). If reset deasserts on edge 3, then, we have both the categories of flops coming out of reset at same time edge (5). But if reset deasserts on edge (1), both categories of flops get out of reset at different times. Thus, we can get the reset synchronizer working on 200 MHz clock, but we have to ensure by design that reset gets deasserted on the edge of 200 MHz clock that coincides with negative edge of 100 MHz clock. Figure 3 and figure 4 discuss these scenarios.

Figure 3: Reset synchronizer works on positive edge of 200 MHz clock coinciding with positive edge of 100 MHz clock

Figure 4: Reset synchronizer works on positive edge of 200 MHz clock coinciding with negative edge of 100 MHz clock

Same scenarios are expected as figure 3 & 4 when we make reset synchronizer work on negative edge of 200 MHz clock.

Now, let us explore the last option; i.e., reset synchronizer working on negative edge of 100 MHz clock. In this case, as shown in figure 5, both 100 MHz and 200 MHz flip-flops come out of reset on same edge. Thus, this case works perfectly. Figure 5 illustrates this.

Figure 5: Reset synchronizer works on negative edge of 100 MHz clock

Can you provide any other solution that is possible and better than ones discussed here.